Thursday, July 24, 2008

I am still in recovery from last night. Now I am not stoned and not feeling all mystical and enlightened it is hard to face the reality of my actions.

I am embarassed. I do need to take responsibilty for what I have done. There are three men in my life whom I have treated unfairly - Buff, Karl and my Dad. They are three men whom I see on a regular basis and know well. Yet, I have so much anger towards them all for different reasons. Why do I think it is okay to get mad at men?

I don't want to be this person. I really want to be better than this. But, I am not becuase I am this anger and projection.

I am going to call Landmark for some coaching right now. I am scared.

No one answered. Maybe, there offices are not opened yet.

live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Safe & Secure

I had a HUGE blowup with K my roomate.  

Sebastian came.  He listened.  I am blown away by him.  He just happen to call right after I freaked out.  We drove to Queen E Park, parked at the top in the new parking lot, we smoked a joint, and then we walked around stoned and talked.

I really think this guy is amazing.  It was so nice to have a man just listen.  

I am so embarrassed about what happened with K.  I need to      complete.  I think I figured it out.   I want to feel safe & secure with a man.  I need both to be happy and satisfied.

I really like Sebastian.  I just feel so happy with him.  We had some awesome converstations tonight.  I have not connected like this with a man for a long time.  

live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.