Same Pathetic Place
I have not read or written on this blog in long while. Here I am in March of 2008. B and I had a fabulous fall and winter together.In August we went to Toronto and cottage country together for a week. It was so much fun. Then he moved to V town in October for 6 weeks. Then we went Cat Skiing in teh Kootney's for New Years. And saw each other again in Japan in late January.
However, it is now the same place and I have the same concerns I had last June. It is pathetic. For more than a year I have been feeling the same things. I love B and it is great when we are together, but I feel a real resistance from him and lack of wanting to meet me half way.
I broke up with him last week. I know he and I have been through this so it really means nothing. More recently, I sent him an email saying it would be best if we did not see each other when he came to Vancouver. I mean it. I need a clean break away from him.
I am feeling bored and lazy. I have very little motivation to do stuff. My house is a pig stye, I am disorganized. I don't know, I am just feeling blah. But, I am not crying or emotional just blah.
live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.