I am just going over the apology I recieved... after eating a bunch of Ben & Jerry's - My Valentines dates. I am upset over the comments he said last night. It hurt, he punched deep. And I do not feel enrolled in his apology.I am strong and independent... I have my moments where I feel weak and sad. Yet, I feel that as soon as I admit I feel a bit down or I wish I had a partner.... it means that I am needy and desperate and putting my life on hold. Humans are meaning making machines. I hate it when people in relationships dole out advice to single people about being needy.
I am so angry and so hurt right now that I could just fucking punch a wall.
I am opening myself up to being vulnerable in my life.... and I felt that I was in a safe place with my Landmark group to share. Instead, I feel judged, put down, and unsupported.
I hate this. I would love to call someone and share my breakdown, but I have no one to call becuase I am too fucking indepedent.
live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.
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