Little Brown Bits

It is another rainy Sunday. I went down to the mall today to take some measurements. I was dressed extremely casually in my Gas jeans, my Orb Jacket with my bronze Matt and Nat purse. I was carring a stryo foam little box with vegan cheese cake in it.
When who do I bump into but the really hot mortgage broker from the BNI meeting this week. He is standing in front of the wine store. I totally stop and say 'hi'. He does not recognize me so I take my hood off. Then he fully gets who I am. So we are chatting about work and the meeting. I explain to him that I will be working in the mall for the next two weeks... and he already works in the same mall. Of course, on the inside I am totally gushing to myself that this is destiny...
He says to me, "I am actually here for a very weird reason right now." I nod for him to continue. He says, "I am on a television show and the camera crew is just over there." He points behind me. I look.. and see nothing. He does pull down the neck of his tee-shirt to reveal a microphone. I am thinking to myself that he is under cover cops or something. He continues, "I am on a blind date show." I say, "Oh."
Then I start asking all of these questions, "where is she?" He is about to meet her. "Is this the show with the guy in the limo?" No "Is this the show where you have to be young, successful and rich?" No, he has no idea what show it is. The producers contacted him and asked if he wanted to be on it.
All he knows is that she is 5'3, a brunnette and 33 years old. He then points her out to me, she is up a level being interviewed by the camera. She does not know he is there.
We start joking about how he can plug his business on the show. He did not remember what BNI meeting I attended.... so I obviously did not make the splashing impact I was hoping too. Anyways, I say it was this past weeks. He says, "Oh you saw my presentation. How was I?"
In truth the creativity and knowledge was fantastic.... his delivery was awkward and uncomfortable because he read his sheets the entire time. I say, "You were great." He says, "I read the entire thing." I shrugged. Then I complimented him on his creative delivery with specific areas he really excelled in.
I give him one of my flyers and tell him he can by his date something for Valentine's from me. He says, "Valentine's Day is a little too soon to be buying presents for her." I tell him he can get her a green heart instead of making the red heart committment.
He says something like what does your partner buy you? I was like totally studdering as I tried to gracefully mention that I did not have a partner. He tries again to ask the question because I totally bungled it. Then I respond with, "He can by a jewelry box. Actually a Wolf Designs jewelry box."
Overall, I was totally enthralled with the conversation. On the way home I was feeling clever and smug about it all. I was totally thinking that it was destiny that we meet. I get home, I smile at myself in the mirror... and to my horror.... there are brown bits of food in my teeth! ARGH!
I am mortified. What an idiotic thing to happen. Jesus Christ almighty.... Fuck.
So if we were destiny it is now ruined by brown food bits in my teeth.
live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.
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