Downtown Diva!
I was in a local paper today under "Downtown Diva"! I am so excited. There was a photo of me with a mini-interview about my fashion style and inspirations!This feels really great. This is free media coverage which allows me to reach a broader audience. I was up until 1:30am last night updating my website. I had a Valentines Day photo shoot earlier in the evening in order to have the photos ready for this morning.
Between the photoshoot and the website design, I went out for dinner with Brent. I have not seen him since December 22nd. He went to South America, I did not.
It was really great. He definately notices a change in me. He commented that I was more vibrant and energetic - which is true.
He is convinced it is becuase I am eating fish now. I had fish for the first time a few weeks ago with him. I have been a vegetarian for 5.5 years, and I was never a fish or seafood eater.
It is true, I do believe the fish helps a lot. I am feeling deep sexual stirrings now. It was easy for me to refrain from sex for the past few years. It is easy to be celebate when you are a vegetarian, I believe the sex drive is a lot weaker.
Plus, I think I just like Brent more, so I daydream of him in a more sexual way. The weird thing is that nothing is happening. It was really strange last night, he actually reached across the table to hold my hand.... this totally tripped me out.
When we first started dating he was another erratic groping man who was racing for an orgasim. I was totally turned off. We would go on these amazing weekend trips where were boating, and we would drink amazing wine. It was a dream.... except, we would drink too much wine, then he would plunge for a kiss, then we would end up in a weird make-out scenerio. It was fun when I was drunk, then I realized I was always drunk when we made out.
I wanted more affection during the day or when we were not drinking. He was so not affectionate. So I tuned out. I got totally bored on these amazing dates. I kept thinking it was over... but, eventually he would always call again.
Then, the last threet times we have seen each other - since I started eating fish. We have had these really sweet kissing moments in his Audi when he drops me off. But, he does not push it. Wow. I totally love it.
Then, last night he reached for my hand. A few times. He was being affectionate. I feel very happy about this little motion. And, today I was totally thinking about him in a very sexual way.
Life is so weird.

live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.
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