Old Journal Entry - July 2005
I am currently single, and this has been my state of being since September 2001. For four years I have been walking my path alone. I have been strong, I have been making decisions to purely suit my own goals and ambitions. I have determined my direction.Four years ago I made a commitment to myself to become my own best friend, to love and accept myself. I did it. Now, I sit here in Vancouver... looking at this path I created, this path I walked. I know that I am stronger, braver, more loving, more accepting, more determined, more calm, more and more because I gifted myself this time.
I want to be a leader. However, there is so much I need to overcome right now in my life in order to make this a possibility. During 2005, I feel like I have been hitting pot-hole after pot-hole. This year has been expansions and contractions - I have been experiencing each, however the contractions feel like they have been more dominant and difficult to overcome. I have had experiences and emotions this year which I never thought possible. Here I am in the last few months of my 29th circumference of the sun, and I ask the universe, friends, family and acquaintances for help and guidance. I need some time to lean on someone until I can be the strength I want to be.
The past few months I have been seeking answers or understanding to some heavy ideas. Perhaps, this is what India triggered in me - a desire to understand social standing. I thought I was going to India to experience a spiritual enlightment... instead, my outlook on social achievement has drastically shifted. I want to give back. I want to help, but the immense need for help is strong, that it is overwhelming. Where does one start? However, in helping I do not want to lose my own ambition to be successful. More than ever, I feel this immense deep burning to be financially successful.
live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.
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