What kind of player am I?

Today my strengths are punctuality, vitality, presence, motivated, having fun and accomplishments. My weaknesses are diorganization, slow to wake-up, procrastination, picky and .....
Winning is important to me; however, if I feel I am not going to win, I can withdraw from the game, and pretend not to be interested. Losing is failure to me.
I am not always a team player, I can be jealous and therefore, I can have difficulty being supportive of others. I can take other people's success personally and not fully be present with them and celebrate with them. I am a leader when I am up; when I am down, I am a terrible person to be around. My energy is really strong, and I definately affect people - up or down. I feel it is important for me to be strong in my happiness and clarity at all times. If I go through a rough patch of negativity I can be really hard on myself and be very blaming.

This week I am creating vitality in my life. The one area of my life where I am taking on full vitality each day this week is waking up in the mornings.
I use to be such an early riser from 2000-2004 I would jump out of bed every day with ease and grace. On average I woke-up at 6:30am. In the summers I would get up a little earlier at 5:30am, and in the winters I might wake-up later at 7:30am. Sometimes I slept in until 9:30; and I went through periods where I woke-up at 4:30am. Regardless, every day I woke-up with enthusiasim and excitement for the day ahead. I was so happy tp be awake and alive.
This week I am creating this same vitality. Ideally I want to wake-up at 6:30am each day. On Saturday I want to be awake by 8am. Sunday... a little different I will be up very late the night before, so I want to be out of bed by 9:30am.
live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.
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