Sunday, January 08, 2006

Second Letter

Dear Grandpa,

This is a strange letter for me to write because I do not know you. I have no relationship with you, and nor have I desired one. People who knew you from years back and saw your behaviour, do not have anything nice to say about you. People say you are mean.

Maybe you are mean. So am I... sometimes.

I am taking a course called the Landmark Forum. I am came to the Forum to accomplish greater success and happiness in my life. What I am actually accomplishing is discovering where I have not be real or authentic with people in my life. I am learning that I am determined to be strong and independent. In order to be these, then I must do things alone. I am must go ahead with all ideas and projects on my own. I do not ask for help and I rarely accept help. I pretend to be close to people, but I share very little with them. The impact of this behaviour is that I am alone and lonely. I am mean because I feel alone. I do not want people to see I am alone, so I sting them when they get too close.

The possibility I am creating in my life is the possibility to be loving, happy and vulnerable.

I am sharing this possibility with you because I want to create a relationship with you. I want to spend time with you and learn more about your life and who you are. I also want to thank you for the inheritance you gave me. I never thanked you because I was afraid of you and I did not like you becuase no one else likes you. I now see that you were reaching out and trying to make a connection. I did not allow this connection to happen. I am sorry.

Love Unity

live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.

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