My Strong Suits
Landmark Forum has a concept that there are three distinguishing times in our lives where we were impacted by an event, and in order to compensate for our story about the event we create a way of being. These three ways of being created determine our behaviour and personality in our adult lives.My First Event:
Grade 1
I was having difficulty learning subtraction. I just did not get it. I had to redo and redo the subtraction questions until I got it. I missed spending lunch outside on a nice day because I had to stay in and learn subtraction. Everyone else in my class understood subtraction. I felt like I was alone and left out of something. I felt different. I felt like something was wrong. I felt failure that I was not enough.
In order to compensate for this event, I act seperate and dumb. I think I am dumb. I nearly failed every grade in elementary school and high school. I always think I am missing something - that I do not quite get it.
My Second Event:
Grade 4
My desk was right next too my best friends. We were talking. I got moved. I got very upset and emotional. I was upset that I was the one who had to move. I took it personally. During this occurance, my parents were out of town for a couple of weeks. The class photo was being taken that day. I felt like an adult because I chose my outfit without my mother censoring my style. I was wearing jeans and a white collar shirt at an age when only dorky flower Laura Ashley dresses were appropiate for class photos. During the photo my face was red and wet with tears, I was not smiling. My teacher gave me a stern conversation for not smiling and wearing jeans. The other kids teased me. That day I felt like I did not belong.
In order to compensate for this event, I am very well liked. I am popular. I am charasmatic. I am trendy, but I am not too far fetched with my clothes, I always fit in the boundaries of what is acceptable. I am cute and charming.
My Third Event:
Summer between Grade 10 & 11
I was at summer camp for 2 weeks. A group of girls in the same program as me, but in a different cabin decided they did not like me. They said some mean things to me. I also had some weird things happen with my body. I had extreme diarhhea from a water skiing fall. Plus I got extreme food poisoning (To this day I think those girls put something in my food.). I puked all over the publis bathroom in front of people, plus for the first time ever my mom was there to comfort me when I was sick or clean up after me. I had to clean the puke up. I learned that I was on my own.
In order to compensate, I push people away, I keep them distant. I keep to myself. I spend a lot of time alone. I am secretive. And I quietly study and secretly do things to get ahead in life.
live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.
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