Sponge Bob and Obssessions
There is this man in my life whom I met during Labour Day Long Weekend 2005. I am slightly infatuated by him. I really like him. I do not know him... we know each others names. He knows the inside of my apartment and van. I know his music and website (which I am totally guilty of stalking).After I read the book "he is just not that into you", I finally realized that he is just not that into me. I sat waited for him to call or email me for 10 days before I understood that he was just not that into me. Then I totally let the idea of him go.... poof.
Then this week I began planning my summer 2006 work schedule. He has some information which I would like to have. I dropped him a friendly and direct email asking him for help. He responded... and now I am totally and unhealthily hooked.
Today during my downward dog I daydreamed of him. I was totally faking being present in Yoga. I was impatient to get to Savasnah because I wanted to lay back and daydream.
How can I be perfectly normal and independent one day, and then totally freaky obsessive the next?
I don't even live in the same town as this guy. Yet, I dream of us falling in love and living happily ever after. This is where I get very concerned up my stability and I think I need a severe reality check.
I got a severe reality check back in September at a 31st Birthday Party for a friend. We were playing pinata with Sponge Bob Square Pants. People were taking turns hitting him with blindfolds. When one woman took her turn she swung the metal stick very hard. One piece flew off of the stick, hit a log post and then it hit me in the forehead.
I got knocked down. My whole right bum cheek was severly bruised. I also got a minor concussion, and three stitches!

live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.
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