Thursday, January 12, 2006

Living Passionately

Living Passionately: The Art and Mastery of Playing the Game of Life.

A person who is living passionately makes little distinction between work and play, mind and body, labour and leisure, love and religion, education and recreation.

I am taking a new seminar course, which I feel totally inspired by, and I am totally committed to this seminar. I am being hungry for it and life. I am bringing it into existance along with other of life's commitments by writing it all down, and I am taking ownership.

I am ready to change my life. I am ready to be a player in life.

Today and yesturday I wore a bra for the first time in years - excluding the time I was bridesmaid this past summer. It is a strange and confining experience. I am not a big fan. My roomate thinks I just have to get accustomed to it.... but I don't think I like the bra thing.

Today was a productive day. I had a 6:45am meeting with BNI downtown on the 35th floor of a hotel... it was so beautiful when the sun came up. This is an amazing city.

Then I went for a quick walk to the ocean to just take it all in. From 9:30am-11:30am I had a yoga. Then a meeting with Susan to talk about ordering. But, we get very distracted with each other. We like to talk too much.

Then I worked all afternoon with focus and determination. I accomplished a lot. In the evening I did a quick shop at Staples, then to a 3 hour Seminar.

Viv got to meet Udo tonight, the man behind Udo products. She said that he was amazing. She is totally inspired. She is so sweet. She brought back a huge bottle of plant based oils.

I love it because I am determined to have beautiful hair, and great skin. I need more oils to make this a reality. I am eating fish.

I think the fish makes me horny and happy. I just have so much energy!

Tomorrow I am meeting with a possible business coach, then lots of work. I am so excited to experience tomorrow!

live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.

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