LTJ Bukem

I went out last night to Dj LTJ Bukem at the Commodore. It was a great show. This beautiful girl who djs and sings opened for him. Her name is ill-esha and she is very cool.
It was a drum and base evening... not my favourite type of music... but I loved it last night because I chose to love it.
I was there with a group of people and Dj Nick from New Years was the one who invited me to come. He is a great guy, very nice and fun.
When Bukem first started playing, Nick came up to me and told me to dance to the second beat. I kind of panicked. I thought, "I am dancing wrong. I missing the beat. Everyone knows you have to dance to the second beat except me. " And, then I panicked slightly more because what is the second beat?!
I became slightly insecure and refrained in my dancing. I was holding back and watching others to try and learn what was this second beat thing was.
Later, I took a break from dancing. Dj Nick and I chatted a bit. It was very strange, he was very critical of the whole event. He said the MC was mcing too much, Bukem's music was too repetitive, and everyone was dancing out of sinc. Dj Nick prefers techno music and he compared what was happening at Bukem to his past experiences.
What I realized in these moments of listening to him is that it is a choice on whether one enjoys the evening or not. He was coming from a place of... "everthing can be improved upon - I've seen better." He was not dancing and did not seem to be living life passionately.
I decided that I wanted to live passionately, so I jumped back out to the dance floor and I danced like no one was watching. I didn't care if I missed a beat of the music... people judge others. We judge and then we return to being consummed and worried about others judging us. So, I thought fuck it I am going to dance passionately like my life depended on it. And I did and I had the best evening. It was so amazing!
LTJ Bukem was amazing and I am so glad that I got experience his music and energy.
live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.
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