It is late for me. I am tired. I just got home from being out for a very nice and very expensive dinner. At dinner I had a very clear view of Ryan Renolds who was sitting a couple of tables over. I, of course, was totally imagining that he was noticing me... who wouldn't. But, I guess when your engaged to Alanis Morrisette, life is pretty great and there is no need to continue grazing. I like Alanis, only becauase I have spent some time with her twin brother. And her brother is an amazing person. So, I automatically also believe that she must be equally amazing.After dinner I went to a small party on the 36th floor of a downtown apartment. I love visiting these apartments in high places. The views are amazing! Wow! I find the elevator a little troublesome and difficult to use.
There was a very good looking young man there named Tyson. Yikes. He was tall, with brown eyes and great style. Yup. He was cute. He was also about 24 years old, and he also had a very young woman as his date. I did find out that he was going house boating this summer. I had James, the host of the party, look into booking me on that house boat. So there is a possibility I will get to spend a weekend staring at Tyson in a swimsuit while he DJ's.
I ran into my neighbour on the way into my apartment. I have not seen him in months. But, I can hear him pee at night. My bedroom shares a wall with his bathroom. He asked me tonight if I could hear him pee. I lied, I said No.
The weird thing too is that I absolutely detest listening to men pee. I hate the sound of pee dropping from a height into a bowl of water. It sounds so heavy and gross.
I actually turn on a tap when I am peeing at a man's house. I get embarrassed and I do not want him to hear me. Then I use my muscles and pee really, really slowly.
This is such a strange thing.... listening to pee never bothered me until my first year of university when I was living in dorms. My Italian friend Deborah would just start freaking out if she could hear someone pee. She would literally start jumping up and down and yelling and singing to block the noise. I never thought about the sound of pee before Deborah.... now I am petrified by it.
Anyways my neighbour came over with Astro his dog and he is all high on coke. He is a very nice guy who dates very psycho girls. Some of the stories he tells me... I think he has to be making them up. The last girl he dated kept trying to hit him up for $400 to pay her rent. Suddenly one day his co-worker died tragically. My neighbour was very upset, he really enjoyed and liked his co-worker. He called this girl in an effort to reach out and be consoled. She said, "Get over it. You just worked with him..... so do you have that $400 for me?"
Holy shitters. Where does he meet these chicks?
I told him to register for Landmark... and then I asked if I could get some coke.
live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.
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