The Doctor is Back

We connected when I called - I was totally surprised and he got that I was surprised. He was just waking up as his shift ended at 5am. We decided to meet for breakfast in Kits at La Viva cafe.
I was talking to an older man about the World Cup when the Doctor walked in. He looks great. His hair is cut sort of like a mohalk - it looks really fantastic. He was wearing this awesome jacket with a green tee. He has a phenomenal fashion sense - I love his style.
I had a really great time with him. We talked a lot during breakfast. Catching up with work, our homes, travels and relationships. We went for a walk to the beach. We sat on a log and talked more. He had a meeting at two - but, we were totally immersed each in each other until he had to go.
I opened up and shared with him about who I had been when we were dating. I made it impossible for him to be a winner. The last thing I stated to him was that I think he is one of the most amazing and greatest people I know and that it is important for me to have him in my life. And, when I said this it was not a romantic thing at all. I was totally and only authentic. He agreed with me
Then just after. I shared with my friend Jenn about it all. And she starts saying things like she always liked him the best, he could be the one. Then suddenly my mind switches from a friend and authentic manner to a daydreaming and fantasizing mode about the romantic possibilities with the Doc.
The Doctor is great. We can really talk and talk forever. He is going to Spain on Tuesday for a weekend party and then to Sweden for the Summer Soltice.
We talked about my relationship with the older man. The Doc already knows about it - becuase, we talked about it back in October. He said some really great things about it. He said this could be holding me back energetically from being open to meeting someone else. As well as, the older man seems to know exactly what to do to keep me hooked without making a commitment.
Then when I asked the Doc about who he was dating. He said he was dating a younger woman - a 24 year old - he is 37. Ha ha ha ha. It is funny.
live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.
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