The last 29 year old single woman alive
I went out tonight to a very interesting cocktail party. I had fun, but I drank a fair number of gin and tonics, and there were no single men to flirt with. So my alcohol energu managed to get channelled into - I-am-angry-at-friends-for-falling-in-love-and-leaving-me-alone-to-be-single energy. And, right now I am totally devasted.I get so angry at them - the girls. They are all in relationships - and I am single... alone. I never thought that I would be the last one to fall in love.
There is something so sad....pathetically sad, about being single at 29. I am the last one.
So I sit here and wait for a man to decide at the last minute... the absolute last minute... if he wants to spend New Years with me... or not.
There is no definate, "I want to be with you becuase I am in totally madly crazy about you and you are the love of my life and I am totally obssessed with you. I get.... I do not know anymore what I get.
I am single. I am the woman who men do not choose to be with. And, I am drunk and totally emotional.
At least I have a new phone now. Maybe, I will be cooler and more connected now.
live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.
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