Thursday, December 22, 2005

Night Out

I don't know what has happened in me recently, but I feel really different. I feel sexier and more bold.... when I was younger I embodied these qualities more.

For a long while, I felt a lot of pressure to be in a relationship because all of my close friends are in long term relationships. 98% of their time outside of work is focussed on their partner. We no longer hang out and do really great things together. Our together time is Thursday night OC, or alternating dinner parties at different people's homes.

It is fucking boring. And, all they talk about are relationships, renovating homes and weddings. I detest it.

I got very upset for awhile over this. I felt very isolated. Brent told me it was a phase that they were going through and then it would be over sometime later. I see now that he is very right, but I was consummed by feeling ostercized due to my single status and I felt very down about it.

Now, I get that my life is fun, great and exciting. I get to flirt with who I want, kiss who I want.... I get to go on fantastic dates and be wined and dined. I love it.

Tonight I went to one of the restuarants which the Older Man owns. It is a gorgeous restuarant, with great food. It was totally packed and it is an amazing place. I love it. I had ahi tuna, which was great. I was there with three girlfriends, and I met up with, for 30 minutes, the ex-love-of-my-life, who also happened to be the DJ playing tonight.

Sitting in the restuarant, I got very into thinking of the Older Man (he was not there, but his influence was), I have really been thinking about him a lot lately. I like him.

I also got checked out by another and different older man. I really liked it. And, I realized, that I totally dig older guys around 50 years. They can be extremely sexy.....

Plus, it was great to see my ex. We have not seen each other in 5 years. Back in 1998-99, I was totally in love with him and he was with me. I have not experienced that level of love with anyone else since. It was great to see him tonight.

So it was a fun and fantastic evening.

Being single is fun and exciting.

live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.

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