Door Open for the French

The door is open for my gorgeous French man to visit me in August. He calls me darling, beautiful and when he talks it is like he is purring.
We met in Varkala in India in 2005. He is a spectacular example of genetically blessed. He exudes sexiness and he has this calm and peaceful energy which attracts people.
He really liked me and I barely noticed. We spent some time on a beach called Om Beach in these little rooms where we slept on the floor. We shared our little bangalows with a group of Russians. We smoked ganga all day and all night.
One evening my French Man made a fire. He went into the woods and collected wood for the fire. He made a gorgeous fire. When he came to get me I was sitting on the floor in my room with the Swiss-German guy - cuddling!! I did not realize that the French Man liked me so much. He had been telling everyone that he was in love with me. And there he finds me cuddling with his friend.
Nothing ever happened between the Swiss-German and myself. I did like him. But, a very typical thing for me to do. To be attracted to a guy who is more like a boy than a man; to be attracted to a man who does not want a relationship. It played out to be nothing more than a little drama. It was all very minimal. But, there is a part of me that is sorry that nothing happened between the French Man and myself.
I really want him to visit and I want to put all of my attention on him when he does come visit. He is a man. He likes me. Why do I resist it so much?

live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.
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