Day to Day
I have been busy and feeling overwhelmed. But, that is what I do.... I become busy so that I have reason not to be present for people in my life. I am too busy for a relationship..... maybe, is he is really special I will squeeze him in.I am back seeing the older man!!! It is great! Somehow, distance makes my heart grow fonder with him. We text each other a lot.... but, we really do not see each other that much. I enjoy his influence on me.
I took a ski lesson last week - he is a skier, I am a snowboarder. I am eating fish for the first ever in my life. He is taking "stretching" classes - maybe, similar to my yoga classes. He is also dressing so very hot! Wow! He is wearing great jeans... his bum looks so HOT! He also has a great new leather jacket.
No action for me lately..... some deep inner thumping cravings for Brent and Manu.... but no actual action.
I do have a blind date in New York this coming Thursday with a man called Marc. This will be my first time to New York. What a great experience to create a blind date for myself. A mutual friend is very interested in that we meet.
live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.
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