Friday, December 09, 2005


Everything was amazing between the Yoga Teacher and myself. For a full 7 days I was totally blissed out because of the amazing sexual experiences we shared. It was truly beautiful and phenomenal. It was making love to the core.

Then "the Rules" were placed on the agenda by the Yoga Teacher last night. He felt it was important for us to place our rules on the table so that we would know what could upset the other person - ie. breaking their rules.

I went first.

My Rules:

1. Consistancy. I ask that he be consistant in his affection towards me. No yo-yo'ing. Such as, being totally into me one week, then pulling back and creating distance the next week. Simple emails to touch base if we do not see each other for a few days would be great.
- the Doctor was very inconsistant.
- the Older Man is very consistant. I am still dating the Older Man.

2. Sex only with each other for health reasons. I would prefer not to catch STD's and another woman's energy.

The Yoga Teacher Rules

1. Sex only with each other. This keeps the momentum of the energy alive and strong.

2. No "Boyfriend/Girlfriend" scenerios. He would like to hang out and do things with me including having sex, but he does not want to have the responsibility of being a boyfriend.

So basically he wants to have sex without the emotion and feelings which make it a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Yet, no having sex with other people is allowed. This is a category of "He just not that into me".

So now that these rules have been put into place, I have no right to feel hurt or upset about our relationship not working out. These were the rules. His rules were let's have sex, no falling in love.

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