Sex Finally

After the dumping by the doctor I became pro-active by locking myself in my room for 3 days and watching the first 2 seasons of "Sex in the City" in chronological order. Now, by some standards this may appear to be a depressive act... however, due to the fact that no tears were shed or complaining shared, I do view this experience as a study of sex and dating.
Last Tuesday I left my bedroom with the resolution to have sex with the Yoga Teacher whom I would be having my first "official" date with the next evening. I had learned that sex is enjoyable and not a huge sin or terrible experience. I had learned that with the right attitude that sex can be fantastic, and if a relationship ends it does not mean that someone was used for sex. I felt renewed.
I shared my plans with 2 friends, a Dress Designer and a Naturalpathic Doctor. Both stated that I needed to share my plan with the Yoga Teacher. It was true, I did not want to appear to be using him for sex and thus possibly jeopordize a sexual relationship.
So a funny thing happened. The Yoga Teacher and I had an amazing time together. He helped me flyer for an event I was helping promote. As were flyering I ran into my ex-love-of-my-life's friends outside a pub, and the ex-love-of-my-life was in the pub - we have not seen each other in 5 years. I was totally stunned, that I actually dropped my flyers twice. I blamed it on the cold and numb fingers. I did not enter the pub becuase I was having an amazing time with the Yoga Teacher, and it was also an awkward situation.
Later that night, after a couple of vodka and tonics we were at his house. We were still talking, and my leg was touching his, then his hands were touching my legs, then we were kissing.
At first it felt very weird to me. In the sense that I was very aware of what was physically happening - a tongue sweeping my tongue - and I was not caught up in the emotions. But, it switched. Something happened.
We have both discussed sex several times in the past. So we were aware of where each other stood. Which was essentially the same place, we both get emotional during sex, so we want to feel with some confidence that the person we are sleeping with, is a person whom we want to spend time with and vice-versa.
We had sex that night, continuously until 5am. It was phenomenal. It was so powerful and fascinating. I have not had such an incredible sexual experience since University, since with the ex-love-of-my-life. As soon as the Yoga Teacher entered me...something changed... instantly. Our relationship deepened.
Being with the Yoga Teacher has been one of the most beautiful, special sexual experiences of my life.
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