Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Tomorrow morning I have a massage at 8am. Then I get on a plane at 11:30 am and fly to New York City! Sounds like a fantastic morning!

This will be my first trip to NY. I am staying in Chelsea. I have my shopping schedule planned and mapped out. I have a list of 30 boutiques and I have them marked on a map. Exciting!

I am also doing my leadership seminar. I have learned so much about myself. I am annoyed. It is a very confronting program. The impact on me in my life since I applied for the program is that I am quieter. I know myself to be an insightful person. I now realized that I am self-righteous and arrogant about being insightful. Now I have cut this aspect of my communication out and I do not have very much to say.

I had a fantastic date with Brent. I slept over for the first time since October. He is such an amazing person to sleep with. He is very aware that I lying next to him. He reaches out and cuddles while we sleep. It is not over bearing or smothering or heavy or suffocating. It is absolutely beautiful and perfect. I love sleeping next to him. It was so special to sleep with him last night. He fell asleep on the couch. I curled up and watched him sleep while I stroked his face. Then I feel asleep as well.

We woke up - he wanted to move to the floor because "it is more comfortable." I said no way that we could go upstairs to his bedroom. And we did.

I was horny and he was sleeping. I really could have had sex with him. We have not had sex yet. Crazy....

This morning we started making out... it was great. We were very close to playing the game "Just the tip." I asked him if we should talk about having sex. He said not today because it would be rushed. Wow. I did not take it personally or create stories about it. I really understood that he wanted to create an experience for us to have sex for the first time.

More and more I like him. I am realizing what an amazing man he is. I feel really lucky to be able to share time with him.

live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.

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