A possibility
I just met with Ben the son of the Angel Communicator. I spoke to him for a long time and I listened to him for a long time. He is only 18. A very normal 18 year old - he skate boarded here, he likes to party, he is finishing high school soon... yet, he is so insightful.What I learned from him is that there is hope with B. That B did love me and that he still loves me a reasonable amount. There is hope that we can work through this. But, it is entirely up to B. I need to let go of him. Focus on myself. When I see him this week, I need to speak softly, to listen, to be patient, to create a space for him to be.
I already feel like this is stuff I learned this week .... but it does help to listen to someone else tell me the same things.
I do have a lot of sadness in me with the end of B. I really do not want it to end. Ben could not tell me if we are or are not going to get back together. It will be a spoiler and I will not learn what I need to learn.
He basically said that I need to listen more. That I need to kick back and relax and not be so demanding of who I am or what my expectations are. I need to let go of expectations.
Ben also said that with Buff this is an unresolved issue with his mom - who died 2 years ago. This does make me feel better. But, I do feel terrible for getting angry with him and not being a patient person.
Ben also said that it is okay to get angry but it is not okay to just express this anger on other people. I do need to work on this.
He mentioned that becuase my energy is so strong that although it is important for me to be myself, it is also important for me to listen to others more - to just be quieter.
It is up to me if I want to see B this week. I need to give him space. ... But I can manifest what I want.
I love B, I want to see him.
Ben said that there was a possibility that B and I can work through this.
A possibility - there is hope.
Ben also said that there was B did think of marriage with me.
Ben said that I will get married and I will have kids.
Things may not work out with B - I love him and I really hope they do. I need to let go..... no expectations.
live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.
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