Friday, April 11, 2008


I did an Iowaska Ceremony last Saturday. It was good. Very mellow and relaxing. Not at all what I had anticipated it to be like.

I did not purge nor have a bad gut during the ceremony. There was some discomfort but nothing like I had experienced before in Ecuador. I was left the sense that I am constipated in my life. That I have a lot of stuck energy blocking everything.

Since the ceremony I have been focussing on one physical area of my life to purge - to clean, to throw out everything which is not serving me or contributing to my constipation.

Once again B and I are struggling. This is the furthest I have come from him - we have not seen each other since February 4th, in Tokyo. My friend Trent who I did the ceremony with compared me with a crack addict. Like I am just addicted to B and I start to wilt and fall apart when I don't have my fix. It is such a gross comparison and sadly so true. So we made a bet. Everytime I call B for the next two months until June 5th, then I owe Trent a $20 store credit.

I have started a rebound relationship. It has been so much fun. Sometimes I think I like the guy because I do enjoy his company immensely and I do spend a lot of time with him. But, I am scared of liking him for a few reasons. One being he is everything B was not - tall, 35 years, has hair, a bit pudgy, urban, slick styles, amazing communicator, works for big company, blue collar, slobby in his home, immaculate in his dress, stability and security.

I fluxuate between these two men. Sometimes I miss B immensely and I push Rebound away. Or, I am with Rebound and I push B away. But, basically I am replacing my crack addiction with cocaine.

Or, I am replacing my crack addiction with Big Brother 9. Wow, truly out there. So I am trying to replace my BB9 addiction with purging my life.

live with intention. walk to the edge. listen hard. choose with no regret. laugh. do what you love.

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